Welcome to our German Dictionary database, your one-stop resource for a vast collection of German words. Designed for language enthusiasts, researchers, our meticulously curated database offers an extensive array of linguistic references in German. Immerse yourself in the depth and richness of the German language, broaden your hacking lists and enhance word decryption.

Dictionary archive contains 1 file.

File Size

84.6 MB unzipped
17.8 MB 7z

Total Lines


Last Edit

20 February 2024

100% No Duplicates

Keywords: German language, German-English dictionary, German vocabulary reference, German word list, German language translation, German language lexicon, German language resources, German language learning tools, German language pronunciation guide, German language grammar rules, German language phonetics, German language online dictionary, German language word meanings, German language app, German language vocabulary builder, German language phrasebook, German language learning software, German language study materials, German language course books, German language linguistic resources