Explore the linguistic diversity for the rest of world dictionary with our comprehensive dictionary database download. Access a vast collection of words and their meanings from various languages and cultures, ideal for language enthusiasts, researchers, writers, and educators worldwide. Expand your global vocabulary, delve into linguistic nuances, and deepen your understanding of diverse cultures. Download now to enrich your hacker/projects with accurate and authentic references from around the globe.

Dictionary archive contains 1 file.

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141 MB unzipped
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Last Edit

20 February 2024

100% No Duplicates

Keywords: Global dictionary, rest of world dictionary, Worldwide lexicon, International vocabulary, Universal word list, Global language database, Multinational wordbook, Cross-cultural glossary, World dictionary compilation, Comprehensive linguistic repository, Global terminology repository, International lexicon collection, Multilingual word reference, Worldwide language compendium, Global linguistic resource, Cross-border word list, World dictionary index, Intercontinental glossary, Multicultural lexicon database, International language encyclopedia, Global word archive